Renewable Energies

Our energy future is made of renewable energies. It is realised today sucessfully and globally by experienced advisors and shareholders. Since 1991 we are active as a pioneer of the new energy landscape and supported many projects in solar and windenergy all around the world  - from Argentina via Europe to Taiwan. Take advantage of this benefit and utilize our expertise for your investment into the future.

Our Services

See our services for the implementation of renewable energies on the basis of 30 years experience.

Wind Energy

Technical Due Diligence. With the reference of more than 30000 MW evaluated wind energy projects we analyse as an independent consultant for you

  • Wind Assessment Reports and Certificates
  • Environmental requirements for the operation of your wind farm
  • Project planing

We support You independently during contract design and negotiation

  • Turbine Supply Agreements (TSA)
  • Maintenance and Service Agreements (MSA)
  • Technical Operation Contracts (TOC)
  • further yield relevant contracts

As Owner´s Engineer we support the investor regarding the technical-economical project concept, the opportunities and risks and supervise the construction works in a way that Your investment is save at any time. 

We analyse the operational results of wind farms, identifying weaknesses and potential for improvement. If necessary we cooperate with long term and accredited partners.

We assist you as an independent engineer during claim management  against suppliers, operation managers and to communicate with local authorities.

Solar Energy

„The sun sends no invoices" ("Die Sonne schickt uns keine Rechnung“, Franz Alt). But utilizing her energy with Photovoltaic or Solar thermal systems requires a sense of proportion, experience and Know-How to invest succesfully and to design the plant operation without unnessesary losses. The decision for the type of system depends on the individual requirements of each enterprise, private houshold or public entity and its infrastructure. We develope for You:

  • Optimum design of the PV- or Thermal-plant for Your building in connection with further electricity or heat producing units and the neceaary distribution system
  • Design and implementation planning together with long-term partners.
  • Realization of the solar project also as Turn-Key project together with experienced long-term partners.

Erneuerbare Energien

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